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Art and Corporate meet at Combat Prize 2021 thanks to POLIART Prize

The fruity collaboration with the company POLIART already started during the pasts years, renews itself iThe fruity collaboration with the company POLIART, already launched during the pasts years, renews itself in 2021 as well, in the occasion of Combat Prize’s twelfth edition. The reciprocal aim of the two realities is to consolidate the dialogue between art, business and territory, so fundamental for the growth of contemporary art. POLIART, based in Capannori, Lucca, Italy, is specialized in the production of polystyrene and expanded polystyrene products for purely industrial use. They decided to shape a more artistic and artisanal view of the company on 2007, providing the artists the highest technologies, focusing on expanded polystyrene’s potentials as a dedicated material of the sculpting and installation practice and industrial design. In addition to this, POLIART has pursued, over the years, a constant refinement of the robotic techniques through which this material is sculpted and shaped.

Maurizio Cattelan, We’ll Never Die, 2019 View of installation - Victory is Not an Option - Maurizio Cattelan at Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, UK, 2019.  ® Tom Lindboe, courtesy Blenheim Art Foundation.
Maurizio Cattelan, We’ll Never Die, 2019 View of installation - Victory is Not an Option - Maurizio Cattelan at Blenheim Palace, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, UK, 2019. ® Tom Lindboe, courtesy Blenheim Art Foundation.

The company offers a wide range of perfectly synchronized tools, ready to develop ideas to propose innovative solutions and shapes in a 3D traction world, aiming to make creativity easier and more accessible.

POLIART, that already counts collaborations with national and international fame artists, opens its doors to young and emerging artists supporting them in the creation of their artistic products through the production of their artworks.

Photo courtesy POLIART srl
Photo courtesy POLIART srl

Thanks to the partnership with the Combat Prize, the artists Giulia Maiorano and the Penzo_ Fiore duo, past editions winners, have collaborated. The new POLIART Prize's winner will be proclaimed on Saturday 9 October at Museo civico Giovanni Fattori, Livorno, Italy, during the award ceremony of the twelfth edition of Combat Prize.

- Redazione

Info: POLIART srl Via di Carraia, 115 - Capannori - Lucca Tel: +39 0583 980115 Email:

1 則留言


I would like to have more information about the product please..

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